Friday, November 15, 2019

The מגן אברהם (O.Ch. 222) quotes the ספר חסידים, ” Someone who was forced (due to financial difficulties) to marry a rich girl and she was not to his liking, should make two ברכות.
1) הטוב והמטיב - for the money
" for the wife - דיין האמת (2


In the previous email I wrote 
If there is no Niftar in the area, one may recite the Bracha up to 30 days of Petirah (R M. Feinstein Zt"l) or up to 12 months (other Poskim)

It should be corrected to
If there is no Niftar in the area, one may recite the Bracha up to 30 days after hearing of death (R M. Feinstein Zt"l) or up to 24 hours (other Poskim גשה"ח)


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