Monday, May 27, 2019

Parshas Bechukoisai

      This week we ask from some Rabonim that they should be מוחל on their כבוד.
This coming Shabbos in Chutz La'aretz (only one Parsha, בחקתי) the Aliya of the Tochocho starts at שלישי.

Therefore it is preferable for the Rav to be Moichel his שלישי and take רביעי instead. (Mogen Avraham 428 :8)

In a letter the Chasam Sofer wrote to R.Bunim Eiger (brother of R.Akiva E.)

He writes, he hasn't finalized his contract with the Kehilla of Pressburg to become their  Rov, because,

a) They haven't offered  an increase in salary

 for the winter months, to cover the additional firewood expense .

b) they haven't agreed to give him שלישי every Shabbos. 

(Eventually they must have settled , and he  became Pressburger Rov) 

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