3 Questions:
1) Why don't
the מדקדקים place two Mezuzos on each door post one vertical and
one horizontal to be יוצא ידי שניהם?
2) Why don't
we place the Parshiyos in the Tefillin at an angle to be יוצא ידי שניהם?
3) Why when
placing the Mezuzah at an angle don't we say that you are not יוצא according to
both Rashi & R.Tam,
since it is not vertical and not
1 answer:
The Gemoro (Menochos 33a) says עשאה כמין נגר
if you
placed the Mezuzah like a bolt/peg it is פסול.
Machlokes between Rashi & R.Tam is what type of
a bolt the
Gemoro is referring to. (vertical or horizontal)
Machlokes is not which position one should place the
Mezuzah but which position not to
place the
Mezuzah so
that it is not כמין נגר.
All agree
as long it is not positioned like a peg it is כשר.
the Mezuza at an angle is not a compromise (doing it
halfway like both) but is the proper לכתחילא
way to
place it, (according to both) being a peg is
never placed at an angle.
when placed at an angle there is no need to place two Mezuzos.
It is positioned according to both Rashi & R.Tam in the proper
position.You are יוצא ידי שניהם by placing it at an angle
This solution won't
work by Tefillin.
the Parshiyos in the Tefillin the Halacha dictates how to place the
Parshiyos and not how not to place
Therefore by placing it at an angle both Rashi & R. Tam will
agree that it is Pasul. אמבצי
The Gaon
who holds to place the Mezuzah vertically
(not angle)
also holds it's not necessary to put on
Teffilin. In both cases since the Halacha is like Rashi
there is no need to be יוצא ידי שניהם
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