Friday, January 11, 2019

Did You Know (200)

Did you know that (על פי קבלה (זהר you should be wearing Rashi's Tefillin (not Rabeinu Tam's)

According to both Rashi & the Zohar the order of the Parshiyos in the Tefillin are קדש - כי יביאך - שמע - והיה אם שמוע
 According to R.Tam the order is  קדש - כי יביאך -   והיה אם שמוע - שמע

1 comment:

  1. UNRWA [United Nations Relief and Works Agency]
    altered its definition of refugees to include
    those people who had lived in Palestine
    a minimum of only two years preceding
    the 1948 conflict [in which Israel
    became an independent state].

    SOURCE: From Time Immemorial:
    The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict
    over Palestine
    (chapter 2, page 18)
    by Joan Peters, 1984, JKAP Publications

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