Sunday, December 9, 2018

Don't Embarrass Me

The Sefer (לקט יושר ( תלמיד תרומת הדשן writes, "If  one lives in a house of a non Jew (Apartment building etc.) he should light only one candle plus the Shamash. By increasing candles there is a greater chance ch"v of a  fire and that would embarrass the Mitzvah.

We find that those who use lettuce for מרור will dip it in חרוסת to remove  the toxins. Whereas all year round when eating lettuce they don't dip it to remove the toxins".

The reason is, that  we don't take even minute chances of embarrassing the Mitzva.

This Halacha (lighting only one candle) is probably not למעשה but the lesson of not  taking chances where you might  embarrass a Mitzva is למעשה and  discretion should be taken when such possibilities exists.

1 comment:

  1. Rabbi Hanoch Teller taught:

    "A humble person bears no ill will toward those who disagree with her or him. Such an individual is aware that people have the right to understand the world differently, and that their perceptions might have something to teach her or him."

    "Another fair generalization about humble people is that they do not see themselves as superior to others or more deserving.

    Accordingly, they are less apt to suffer from a sense of entitlement. Instead, they are grateful for all that they are blessed with."

    The Jewish Press, 2014 August 21,
    article: A Humbling Lesson (part iii)

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