Monday, December 10, 2018

Purim Toira For Chanuka

How do we sing/say in the Maoz Tzur  רוב בניו -על העץ תלית (the majority of his sons were hung) when only 10 were hung?

The Gemoro (Megillah 15b) says" Haman had 30 sons some say at least 70 sons and others say 208 sons".

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the ten sons of Haman who were hung
    were the sons who were the most important?


    “If we wish to encourage people to become
    observant of Torah, we should become role models.”

    Wisdom Each Day (reading for Tishrei 24)
    by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski MD, year 2000, Mesorah Publications

    Rambam [Maimonides] Refutes Reform Judaism:

    Rambam Rejected Childless Messiah:


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