Friday, December 21, 2018

ברכת תלמיד חכם

       The מאירי (Moed Katan 9a) writes:
 “A person should always cherish a ברכה from a תלמיד חכם. He should attempt with all his might to receive  a ברכה from him.”
Efraim & Menashe were the first brothers in Tanach to get along with each other, therefore they deserved a special Bracha from Yaakov.      

1 comment:

  1. Excellent quote! Thank you!


    “Jewish community leaders are famous for fretting about how to interest Jews in the faith of their ancestors, but the most effective way to draw Jews to Torah is never discussed.

    Jews need to hear other Jews speak about God in a way our leaders are unaccustomed to speaking of Him:
    as a real, living force in our lives.”

    SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
    My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy

    (chapter 7, page 115) by David Klinghoffer,
    1998, published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X


    “The young [Conservative] rabbis-in-training
    I met were smart, a bit cynical, a little nerdy,
    with no apparent awe for the [Jewish] holy texts
    they were studying.”

    SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
    My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy

    (chapter 7, page 107) by David Klinghoffer,
    1998, published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X


    “Among secular and Reform Jews, however, there persists an unarticulated hunch that Hasidim (of whom Lubavitchers are the best-known sect) are the most authentically Jewish Jews….

    Most Reform homes have on their walls at least one painting of Hasidim dancing…

    Especially outside of New York City, where you don’t encounter live specimens very often, Jews are glad that Hasidim exist, perpetually dancing or arguing or whatever exactly they do with their time.

    While we ourselves marry Gentiles and bid our children farewell as they exit the Jewish people, thanks to the Hasidim we know there will always be Jews.

    This comforting thought goes a long way toward explaining the money secular Jews are willing to part with to support Lubavitchers.

    They are our excuse, and they are well worth the expense.”

    SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
    My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy

    (chapter 5, page 82) by David Klinghoffer,
    1998, published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X

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