Parshas Hashavua
ואלה שמות
The Sefer מושב
(Ba'alei Tosfos) writes," The last Pasuk
in בראשית
ends with ויישם בארון the next Pasuk it says ואלה שמות .
This is a רמז
to put the name of the נפטר on the מצבה . "
The daughter in law of R. Yonasan Eibshitz remarried to
a second husband. On her מצבה, it was inscribed names of
her husbands. ( - אשת כ"ה שמעון , ומלפנים היתה אשת הנגיד )
Shu"t Chasam Sofer (#6:4) is against engraving
human faces
on the מצבה. He quotes from the
who was against
pictures, even of lions on the Aron Hakodesh.
The מצבות of the מהר"ל
& the אליה
רבה have lions engraved on them.
The מצבה of the
נחלת בנימן has a wolf on it.
According to the Chasam Sofer
(רדב"ז), it would be אסור to
Daven facing the מצבה
of the מהר"ל, being the lion on the
מצבה is
Monday, December 24, 2018
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