Friday, December 21, 2018

מאמר שלש שבועות

                                השבעתי אתכם בנות ירושלים  

The זהר in Parshas ויחי writes that  בנות ירושלים   refers to the נשמה.  

The Gemoro (Kesubos 111a) says on this Pasuk in שיר השירים
Hashem made 3 שבועות
2 with the Bnei Yisroel and 1 with the Goyim.

1) They should not go up (to E. Yisroel) together by force like a wall
2) They should not rebel against the Goyim
3) The Goyim should not oppress the Yidden, harshly.

The אבני נזר (Y.D. 2: 454)  asks, "A שבועה to be valid
the נשבע needs to accept שבועה

Moishe was משביע the Bnei Yisrael to accept the Torah ,
they accepted the שבועה,  as Rashi says on the Pasuk 
of אלה דברי הברית - they accepted the Torah
באלה ובשבועה. Also, on Har Grizim & Har Aivol they answered 
אמן on the שבועה.

Where and when did the Bnei Yisrael ever accept the 3 Shavuos?

We don’t find Shlomo Hamelech to have gathered the Bnei Yisroel
to be משביע them to accept the 3 Shavuos.

The אבני נזר answers:
The 3 Shavuos were not done with the physical Bnei Yisroel, but with 
their שורש נשמותיהן למעלה 

That’s what the זהר explains השבעתי אתכם בנות ירושלם     
that it refers to the נשמה
We find this concept in Chazal of משביעין את הנשמה הוי צדיק ואל תהא רשע 

The אבני נזר concludes that since the 3 Shavuos were only 
with the נשמה and not the גוף, there is no punishment
for transgressing the שלש שבועות.

The  אבני נזר has a lengthy explanation of מתיר אני את בשרכם
The Satmar Rebbe R. Yoilish zt"l argues on the אבני נזר 
& holds that just for having in mind to establish a Zionist state
we were punished with the Holocaust, (Hakdamah Vayioel Moishe

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