Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Why Cheshvan & Kislev?


Why Cheshvan & Kislev?

The Tur (O.Ch. 428) writes, ”Tishrei is always a full month (30days) and Teves is always a missing (short) month (29days)

The months alternate one month is full and the following is short.
The months of Cheshvan & Kislev are exceptions. Some years both months are full.(שנה שלמה ). Some years both months are short ( חסרה ) and some years one is full and the other is short (כסדרה)“

The reason for this is to equalize the months. A lunar cycle is 29 days+12 hours+ 793 Chalokim (Approx. ¾ hr.)

The Levush explains why did Chazal pick Cheshvan & Kislev to change the system of alternating full and short months.and not any other month.

“The first opportunity we have to add or subtract from the month is on the month of Cheshvan.

We can’t do it on Nissan & Iyar because the 50th day of Sefirah needs to be on the 6th of Sivan. (by adding or subtracting a day  we will have it on the 5th or the 7th )

From Shavuos till Yom Kippur we need to have 3x 40 days to commemorate the 3x 40 days from Moshe Rabeinu standing on the mountain (Shavuos) and bringing down the Luchos on Yom Kippur.

Chodesh Tishrei is the king of the Chodoshim and the Month with Yomim Tovim (ירח האתנים )  we can’t make it a חסר.

Therefore the first opportune time is in the month of Cheshvan.


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