THE PURIM LEAP- משוורתא דפוריא
In Eretz
Yisroel, weeks before Lag Baomer, children
collect every piece of scrap wood the can find. Before nightfall of Lag Baomer
all street corners, open spaces, backyards etc.
aflame and lit up. This practice pollutes the entire city to a point
where many can't breathe. However, since it is done Lekovod the Tanna Rashbi
and this Minhag goes back
tens and
maybe even hundreds of years ago, therefore, we are not concerned with
being מזיק הרבים.
Minhag of children lighting bonfires goes back to the
times of the Gemoro.
Gemoro says ( Sanhedrin 64b) "כמשוורתא דפוריא." רש"י
explains “On Purim, children made a fire in a pit
and jumped over it.”
The רמ"א
(*in דרכי משה O.Ch. 690) quotes from the ערוך who writes, " Bachurim
make an effigy of Haman and hang it on their rooftops for a
few days. When Purim arrives, they make
a fire
and they have a ring on which they hang the effigy over the fire. They
jump from one side (of the fire) to the other. This ring is called **משוורתא דפורים."
Darkei Moshe is printed only in the new Turim or in the
volume Sefer D.M.(not in Tur)
*Shavarta = leap-jump
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