Thursday, June 18, 2020

馃憖Did you know? (178) -Parshas Shelach

    TAKE A L馃憖K

There are some Rishonim* who hold that every time 
one looks at his 爪讬爪讬转, he is 诪拽讬讬诐 诪爪讜讜转 注砖讛 讚讗讜专讬讬转讗
of 讜专讗讬转诐 讗讜转讜.

It seems from some Poskim that this Mitzvah can  
be performed even by looking at 爪讬爪讬转 worn by others.

*住诪"拽,专讬讘"砖,专砖讘"抓 讜注讜讚

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