Daf Hashavua
Bava Basra 2a
How many
Mesechtos are there in Seder Nezikin?
10 - 8 - 1 ?
R. Yosef said "כולה נזיקין
חדא מסכת". R. Huna argues and
considers them as separate Mesechtos. (Bava
Kama 102a)
There are important Halachic
differences if we count them as one or
separate Mesechtos.
(אין סדר למשנה only
applicable in same (1) Mesechta)
*Although the general rule
is, we Pasken like R. Huna against R. Yosef, in
this case, the Halacha (Rambam) is like R.
Yosef being Rebbi named the three Mesechtos
" Bava
Kama,Metzia &
Basra". (gate 1,2,3 - one Mesechta with 3 gates)
There is also a Machlokes
Rishonim if Reb Yosef referred to, only the first three Mesechtos
as Kulo Nezikin (Bava Kama
Metzia Basra)
or all 10 Mesechtos are
considered one.
1) 10
R. Huna
2) 8
R. Yosef (Rambam Ritva)
3) 1
R. Yosef (Ri Migash**)
* Hakdama Tosfos Yom Tov
** The first
Maharsha in Bava Basra seems to agree with the Ri Migash
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