Friday, May 27, 2016


When two  Chiyuvim compete with each other
we apply the rule of Tadir Kodem.
When one is only a Minhag and the other is a Chiyuv 
then there is no such rule of Tadir.

Krias Hatorah & Megilas Esther are both Mitzvos Chiyuvis.
Whereas the leining of Rus,Koheles & Shir Hashirim are
only a Minhag. You can have a Minhag to be done before
the Mitzvah even when the Mitzvah is Tadir.

Lag Baoemer Quiz

       Questions & answers for Lag Baomer

1) Where is Kever Rashbi located ?
According to R. Menachem Hachevroni (14th century) in Kfar Chananya 
(15 km. south of Meron)

2) When was Rashbi niftar ?
According to the Chida there is no Mokor that he was niftar on Lag Baomer

3) Who wrote the Zohar ?
According to the Yavetz it was R. Moishe d'Leon

4) What day did the Talmidei R. Akiva stop dying?
According to vast majority of Poskim, they did not stop dying on Lag Baomer.

5) How many Talmidim of R. Akiva died between Pesach &Shavuos ?
The Gemoro (Yevamos 62) says 12,000 pairs of Talmidim.
The Medrash says, it was only 300 Talmidim.

6) What did they die from?
The Gemoro says they all died with a desease called Askera.
According to Harav Hagaon Y. Henkin zt"l the Gemoro uses a code
for getting killed by the Romans.

7)  How can you bring nachas to Rashbi (guaranteed) ?
The Shoel Umeishiv ( 5 - 39) writes " if you distribute the money to 
Aniyei Eretz Yisroel instead of spending it to go to his Kever etc., 
he guarantees Rashbi will have much more Nachas Ruach.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Chai Rotel

One hundred years ago, there lived in Lemberg a shochet named Rav Avrohom Yitzchok Sperling zt”l.

As a young man, he was alwaysinterested in minhagim and the reasons behind them. He collected hundreds of minhagim and  their reasons.

He published the Sefer Taamei Haminhagim. 

This sefer was an instant success and was a bestseller. It was reprinted at least six times in his lifetime  (unheard of in those days).

The original sefer had only three entries for Lag Ba’omer:

1) Tachanun is not said.

2) Children play with bows and arrow.

3) Increasing with lit candles.

In later editions, another 4-5 entries were added.

The reason for so few entries,is because in those days, Lag Ba’omer in chutz la’aretz was a very minor occasion, even for Chassidim. (See Teshuvas Minchas Elozor 4:60 "כזרות יחשב וכיוהרא  “ )

To Be Continued.....

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How Things Have Changed

Whose Minhag is it ?

R. Y. M. Tukachinsky zt"l (Sefer Eretz Yisroel 18-3) writes “ The 
Sefardim & Chasidim celebrate Lag Baomer and light fires.”

Seems, that the non Chasidic Ashkenazim have no such minhag .(in E.Y.) 

Ther 4-60 (Munkatch Rebbe) writes “ Lag Baomer 
celebrations (music & dancing etc.) are only for Eretz Yisroel. 
In Chutz La'oretz these celebrations are strange and haughty . 
כזרות יחשב וכיוהרא  “

 Seems, in Chutz La'oretz even Chasidim have no such Minhag.

And you thought we are not משנה כקוצו של יוד


Some claim not to go swimming during the Sefira

for the same reason we do so during the 

three weeks, so as not to put oneself in danger

during that period.

The Steipler zt"l opposed this argument and held

there is no such Chumra and one may go swimming

during the Sefira.

They tried to argue and told him that some

frum people drowned while swimming during the Sefirah.

The Steipler answered, "they didn't drown because

they swam during the Sefirah. They drowned because

they went swimming in dangerous areas where

it is forbidden to swim and there were no lifeguards."

Monday, May 23, 2016

קצת שמחה

קצת שמחה

There is no mention in Bavli or Yerushalmi of Lag Baomer.  The first  to 
mention  L.B. are  some Rishonim in the name of the Gaonim.

The Rishonim, Tur and Mechaber  who do mention Lag Baomer, 
don’t consider L. B.  as a day of Simcha. All they say is that there is no 
Aveilus on L. B. ,(weddings, haircuts  etc. permitted) because they 
stopped dying on that day or they stopped dying after 33days.

 It is only the Rema in the name of the Maharil who writes that 
on L. B. we are “marbim bo  k'tzas simcha.” (increase a little simcha). 
The Rema does not give the reason why. 

The Simcha is not because they stopped  dying, but for other reasons. 

The pri Chodosh writes the Simcha is for the five new Talmidim  R.Akiva

The Chasam Sofer (Shu"t Y.D. 233) gives two other reasons why we increase 
with simcha on L. B.

1)      Hod shebeHod  (Kabalistic)

2)      According to the Midrash the Manna (Mon) came down the first time on L. B.

The Chasam Sofer continues that it is not proper to establish L. B. as a a Yom Tov.
No Nes happened on that day and no mention of it in the Gemoro or Poskim  as a 
Yom Tov. The extent of the K'tzas Simcha is only, not to fast and no hespeidim. 

Sounds Absurd

              ?  ולשמחה מה זו עושה 

a)There  once was a person who had 15 children. One day one child got sick 
and died. The following day another child became sick and died. This 
continued on with all his children. By the end of the month all of his 15 
children died.
Someone suggested that he throw a party immediately after
the funeral of the last child to celebrate the stopping of his childrens death. 

Sounds absurd !

R. Akiva had 24,000 Talmidim. All 24,000 Talmidim died. After they all 
died ,we  celebrate Lag Baomer because they stopped dying.
Sounds right?

b) According to most Poskim, the Talmidei R.Akiva did not stop dying
on Lag Baomer. (they hold, they stopped dying on the 34th day)

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