The stanza of יהיו לרצון אמרי פינו is said quietly by the Chazzan and the Kahal.
It is unknown why it is done so.
The Shu”t התעוררות תשובה writes that we must find a reason for this practice. The answer he came up with, is being this Pizmon is in Loshon Rabim (plural) and the original Pasuk in Tehillim is in Loshon Yachid (אמרי פי – פינו ) We try not to change the Pasuk publicly.
We can ask on his answer that there are other Stanzas based on Pesukim which are also changed from Loshon Yachid to Loshon Rabim*, yet is not said quietly.
Perhaps we can come up with a more simple answer.
The Rema O.Ch. 123:6 writes The Pasuk of Yiyhu Leratzon is not said by the Chazan at end of Chazaras Hashatz.
The Mishna Verura explains because he will be saying Kaddish with Tiskabal at the end of Davening therefore it is not necessary to say it twice.
The Shlah argues on the Rema and holds the Chazzan should say it. The Gra agrees with the Shlah to say it.
The Minhag of those who do say it is to say it quietly, not to offend the Psak of the Rema.
This exact reason can be applied to the Yiyhu Leratzon of S’hma Koleinu. The Chazzan at the end of Selichos says Kaddish with Tiskabal. It is very likely here as well we will have the same Machlokes of the Rema and The Shlah, therefore it should be said quietly.
אמרי- אמרינו האזינו ה'*
בינה הגיגי-הגיגנו
אל תשליכני- תשליכנו
ככלות כוחי-כוחנו
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