Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Malochim (angels) acting as intermediates -Allowed Or Not ???

The concept of Malochim (angels) acting as intermediates
for the Tefilos is mentioned in the Gemoro (Shabbos 12b).

Tefilos directed to the Malochim,* started in the times of the Gaonim. We find in Selichos, Pizmonim & Piyutim where we daven directly to the Malochim.

Kabbalists  had a  practice of  forcing an oath on the Malochim.  ( משביעין את המלאכים ).
Hashem gives permission to the Malochim to do as they are commanded (by humans) even if the recipients  are not worthy and have no zechusim for the favour. (Levush)

There used to be a Minhag for Chazanim to force an oath on the Malochim.
The Chazanim were concerned that  an Ayin Hora will cause them to lose their voice during Davening.  

The Chazanim had a Nusach they said, before saying Hamelech.(Yomim Noroim)
בשם שמעי' -------(שמות של מלאכים)---- אני פלוני בן פלוני משביע אני עליכם
שתסייעו לי שאתפלל היום בקול רם ונעים וערב ואל יחר גרוני ואל ילאה רוחי וכוחי
(In the name of the Malochim --- I Ploni the son of Ploni, place a Shevuah on you (Malochim) that you will help me to Daven today with a voice that is loud, pleasant  and sweet, and my throat shouldn’t anger (cough) and my spirit and strength shouldn’t tire.)  
The Levush (O.Ch.584) was against this Hashba’ah (oath). He writes that it is wrong to force Hashem to accept your Tefillos**. 
The acceptance of Tefillos is dependant on the Kavanos Halev,and you may not force it.
The second issue the Levush had against it, was, Hefsek, The Nusach was said after Baruch Sheomar.(before Hamelech)
The Levush suggest to eliminate it altogether and if not possible, then it should be said before Baruch Sheomar.

*Many Poskim(Maharal, Vilna Gaon< Chasam Sofer etc.)
were against it, but weren’t successful,in stopping  it.

** loss of voice is a sign of non acceptance of Tefilos

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