Friday, July 31, 2015

The Chasam Sofer On The Holiday Of Tu Baav

כתיבה וחתימה טובה
The Chasam Sofer* adds another reason of
his own for this great Yom Tov of Tu B’av.

The Gemoro (Moed Katan 9a) says on the Pasuk
(Melochim 1:8:64) וילכו לאהליהם שמחים וטובי לב –
לאהליהם  They came home and their wives were Tehoros.
וטובי לב  They all became pregnant with a Ben Zochor.
על כל הטובה 

They were forgiven for eating on Yom Kippur.

The last person to reach his home in Nehar Peros was on the 7th of Cheshvan (Ta’anis10a)
If you count from the  7th of Cheshvan, 271 days of pregnancy (Nidah 38a) they will have given birth on the 15th of Av which was their sign of Kaparah.
*(Drashos 1:P43)

According to the Chasam Sofer, perhaps we can add an additional Simcha on Tu B’av.

They all had boys and realized that in the next few years
there won’t be any  Shidduch crisis.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Who Is On First

The Ibn Ezrah (Shmos 20 :1) enumerates the differences between the Aseres Hadibros in Parshas
Yisro and in Parshas Voeschanan.

One of the differences ho points out is , In Parshas Yisro it says Avdo V'Amoso first and then Shoro V'chamoro
and in Parshas Voeschanan it says Shoro V'camoro first and then Avdo V'amoso  .

The last time I checked, Both in Parshas Voeschanan ,and in  Parshas Yisro it says   first Avdo V'amoso
and then Shoro V'chamoro . (no difference)  ????????


Friday, July 24, 2015

Did You Know 64-65-66-67

1)  According to the Maharil, If there is a Bris.
on Tisha Bav the Pasuk ואני זאת בריתי is not omitted when saying ובא לציון 

2) Saying "Mazel Tov" to the Ba'alei Simcha  on Tisha B'av is not considered Sheilas Shalom and is permitted
(Shu"t Salmas Chaim R.YCh. Zonenfeld zt"l)

3) According to the Sdei Chemed, on Tisha B'av Nidcha the Ba'alei Bris may wear leather shoes after Chatzos

4)The only day in the year when  it is forbidden to talk to an Akum, is on Tisha B'av (during the Kinos) (Shulchan Aruch O.Ch. 559 :5)


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Did You Know (62) and (63)

A woman who Davens

According to Harav Hagaon R.Y.S. Elyashuv zt"l, A woman who Davens Shachris daily that didn't manage to Daven Shabbos morning before her husband came home, should not delay the meal so she could Daven. She should rather ask one Bakasha and start the meal on time .

A woman who doesn't Daven

According to Mori V'Rabi  Harav Hagaon Reb Shlomo Miller Shlita* :
 A woman who doesn't usually Daven Ma'ariv, should make an exception when Tisha B'av falls on Motzei Shabbos and Daven Ma'ariv. She should have Havdala B'Tefillah when there is no Havdala B'kos.(on Motzei Shabbos) 

* also lbchl Harav Hagaon R.S.Z. Auerbach zt"l

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Saying Tachnun On Tisha Baav

The Tur (O.Ch.693) quotes R.Amram Gaon:

"The Minhag in the two Yeshivos was to say
Tachnun on Purim".

On Tisha B'av there is no Machlokes. We do not say Tachnun because מיקרי מועד (it is called a YomTov)

Seems that Tisha B'av is more of a YomTov than Purim.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Tisha Baav Minhag

The Birkei Yosef [Chida] (O. Ch. 559 : 4) writes:

There were places where the Minhag on Tisha B'av was, to get a person to bend over.

They covered him with a sheet, placed the Sefer Torah on his back and called up the
3 Aliyos.(krias hatorah)

There were Gedolim who tried to abolish this Minhag because,

a) It seems very weird

b) He might pass wind.

The Chida disagrees with them and claims, this Minhag has roots and cannot be abolished.

The Shu"t Dvar Shmuel(249) defends this Minhag even though he doesn't know the source and it seems very strange. 

Possible Source:

In Meseches Sofrim  (18:7) it says, the Minhag on Tisha B’Av is, to wrap
the Sefer Torah  In a black cloth, place it ( Sefer Torah) ** on the floor,
and say Nofloh Ateres Rosheinu. Afterwards you do Kerias Hatorah.

The Abudraham writes , on Tisha B’Av you don’t place the Sefer Torah
in it’s usual place.(Bimah)

It is very possible  this to be the reason for the Minhag .
They didn’t want to put the Sefer Torah on the Bimah or on the floor.
Shuls had no tables so the only place to put down the Sefer Torah
for Leining was on the back of a person.

*"There is no Minhag that looks (weirder) funnier than this".(Teshuva Meiahava O.Ch. 90)

**The Tur & Abudraham’s girsa is Tik Shel S.T.(the Mantel was placed on the floor) 

Learning To Play Musical Instruments

לז"נ הקדוש ר' משה בן ר' ישעיהו הי"ד - ג' אב

The Sefer "Noheg Katzon Yosef" quotes from the Sefer
Yosef Ometz, Dinei Tisha B'av,

"Children from rich homes may not learn to play musical
instruments even all year round."

The Noheg Katzon Yosef assumes from here, that children from poor
homes are allowed to learn to play musical instruments, 

so they can have eventually a Parnasa from it. 

Did You Know ? (61)

              לז"נ הקדוש ר' משה בן ר' ישעיהו פרידמן הי"ד נעקד"ה ג' אב תש"ג              
According to The Steipler zt"l
 Even Chasidim who go daily to the Mikvah for Tosfos Kedusha (not Tevilas Ezra) may not do so in the nine days

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Is There A Significance In The Number "770'" ?

"770Lubavitch". Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.


והייתם נקיים מה' ומישראל

The Chasam Sofer (Shu"t 6 : 59) writes. "There are two obligations 

1) be vindicated from Hashem

2) be vindicated from Bnei Yisroel. 

It is much easier to fulfill the first obligation than the second one.
The punishment on the second obligation is also much greater.
(Chillul Hashem).

You can have a person doing something which is Halachicly  
correct, but isn't careful  and some "שותי שכר" *(beer drinkers)
mistakenly accuses him of wrongdoing, such a person has not  
fulfilled his obligation of והייתם נקיים(מישראל)  .

It is almost impossible to fulfill this obligation. It is very likely
Shlomo Hamelech had this in mind when he
wrote אין צדיק בארץ

We find  the Bnei Gad etc. followed
Moishe Rabbeinu's advice and fought along
with the other Shevatim for 14 years. They were punished 
to be sent to Galus before the rest of Klall
Yisroel, because they haven't fulfilled 100% the obligation
of והייתם נקיים ."

*Interesting opinion the Chasam Sofer held on beer drinkers

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dikduk Lesson Of The Day

In the English language and possibly in other languages, as well, there are words spelled with only one letter.( I & A)

Which word in Loshon Hakodesh is also one letter ?


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Some More Torah Trivia

Which Mitzva Can you only start without Kavanah ?


Did You Know (59)

According to the Avnei Nezer*:

 If someone borrows Tefillin and needs to adjust the size of the Shel Rosh, he is not** Yotzei with such Tefillin, being the Kesher is not Shel Kayomo.(the original owner will redo it back to his original size)

*Shu"t O.Ch.183 He concludes  ומצוה לפרסם ,I hereby am Mekayam the Mitzvah  of the Godol Hador,the holy Avnei Nezer zy"a..and am מפרסם his Psak..YOU CAN ALSO BE MEKAYEM THE WORDS OF THE AVNEI NEIZER AND SHARE THIS POST

** Harav Shmuel Wosner zt”l (Shevet Halevi 5:4) argues

on the Avnei Nezer

Monday, July 13, 2015

Torah Trivia

What is the only Mitzva that one has to be seated ?


Der Heiligeh Tchebiner Rav-And the Teshuvas Chasam Sofer

The Machtzis Hashekel (O.Ch.417) quotes the Hagahos Mordechai
in the name of the Tosefta, that there is no Rosh Chodesh Bentching
for the month of Av.

Many Poskim argue and hold that we do Bentch on Shabbos,
Rosh Chodesh Av. The Minhag is to bentch Chodesh Menachem Av,
even though the month is Called Av (no Menachem). We say it so
that we should be zoche to have the Geulah etc. (Aruch Hashulchan E.H. 126)

There are Sheilos if with the word Menachem in a Get causes problems.
They once asked from The Tchebiner Rav zt”l  how to date letters & documents  written in the month of Av.
 He told them the answer can be found  in the Teshuvos Chasam Sofer, Orach Chaim.

They came back to the Tchebiner Rav and told him they searched the
whole Sefer and couldn’t find any such discussion.
He told them , “when learning a Teshuvas Chasam Sofer, it is not enough
to learn the text, but one needs to learn the date as well.

If you check Teshuvos # 32, 33, 35, 37, The ones written before  Tisha B’av 
the Chasam Sofer dates it as Av. The ones written after Tisha B’av he dates them
Menachem or Menachem Av.

I leafed through the seven volumes of Shu”t  Ch. S. (1246 Teshuvos)
and found, there are aproximately 150 Teshuvous written by the Chasam Sofer
in the month of Av. All of them follow the rule of the TchebinerRav zt”l,
The ones dated Before 9th Av are dated as Av. The ones after 9th Av are dated as

However there are two days, the 13th and 15th of Av  where the Ch. S. dates them
Av, even though they are after 9th Av.

It is possible the 15th of Av being it is mentioned in the Mishna (end m. Ta’anis)
as Chamisha Asar B’av, The Ch. S. didn’t  want to change from the Loshon of the Mishna*.
On the 13th of Av the only explanation I can think of,  being it is the Yahrzeit
of his first Rebbetzin שרל.

15th of Av                      13th of Av
O.Ch. 60                         O.Ch. 115
Y.D. 129                          O.Ch. 158
E.H. 2: 72                        Y.D. 43
Chelek 6 41
Chelek 7 18

*There is one Teshuva (E.H. 2 : 125) on the 15th  he dated as Menachem.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Parshas Hashevua -The Names Of The Wives Of The Shivtei Ko

Parshas Hashavua 
The Gemoro (Bava Basra 91a) says that the name of Avraham Avinu's mother was Amaslai bas Karnevu.*

Rashi explains the reason the Gemoro is telling you this information, is because we all know the names of
the mothers of Yitzchok and Yakov, so we might as well know the name of Avraham's mother.

Most of us know the  names of Yehuda's(2nd) & Yosef's wives ,so we might as well know names of the other
Shivtei Koh's wives..

The Hadar Zekeinim in Parshas Pinchas  names of the wives from the Midrash   (exception
Yehudahs 1st wife is from the Sefer Hayoshor)

ראובן--- אליורם
שמעון--- דינה- בונה
לוי--- עדינה י"א  אותה
יהודה--- עלית- תמר
יששכר--- ארידה
זבולון--- מרושה
דן--- אפללת
נפתלי--- מרימת
גד--- עוצית
אשר--- הדורה
יוסף--- אסנת
בנימין--- מחליא 
 *R.M.B. Weissmandel zt"l
said, he found in a Sefer,
"if someone is ch"v in a danger, he should say "Amaslai bas Karnevu"
as a Segula to be saved."as a Segula to be saved."

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Did you know (57)

According to the Orchos Chaim:
 The Choson should hand over the Kesuba to the Kallah in front of  Eidim.

The reason to do so is, in case there was a problem with the Kidushin B'Kesef (ring) so the Kesuba should act as a Kidushin B'Shtar.   ( הוי לי לאנתו )

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Shelo Tisganah Al Ba'aloh

We find in Halacha 3 times the concept of Shelo Tisganoh Al Ba’aloh.

Chazal allowed one to be oiver an issur  d'rabanan, lest the wife becomes
repulsive to her husband.

a) On Yom Kippur one of the five inuyim is, not to wash oneself. The Mishna
(Yoma 73b) and Shulchan Aruch (O.Ch. 613- 10) say, Chazal made an
exception for a Kallah*1 the first 30 days after marriage. She may wash her
face on Yom Kippur Shelo Tisganoh Al Ba’aloh.

b) In Shulchan Aruch Hilchos Niddah (Y.D. 195 - 9) we find ," Bekoshi *2 Hitiru
Lekashet"- With great difficulty Chazal allowed women who are a Niddah,
to apply make up .The reason they allowed it, Shelo Tisganoh Al Ba'aloh.

c) Peiah Nochris (wig) or  Cobul (hair net) , are prohibited to be worn on
Shabbos in a Reshus Harabim. Chazal allowed women to wear them, in a
Chotzer (court yard) without an Eiruv, Shelo Tisganah Al Ba'aloh. (Shabbos 64b) .

Monday, July 6, 2015

Boloks Curse On To Himself

When Balak asked Bilam to curse the Bnei Yisrael,
he said ארה *לי curse me.

Mori V'Rabi Harav Hagaon R.S.Miller shlita said,
In Parshas Lech Lecha, Hashem said," those who bless you will be blessed and those who curse you will be cursed".

Balak knew of this but still insisted to have the Bnei Yisrael cursed. even though he himself will be cursed as a result of this.

The שונאי ישראל attempt to harm the Yidden even when they themselves lose out in doing so.

The Nazis Y.m.s. at the end of the war, instead of using
their  trains for the war effort and save their army,
used the trains to
transport the Hungarian
Jews to Auschwitz.

Bilam wasn't the one who
blessed the Benei Yisrael.  

It was Hashems Brocho coming out from Bilam's
mouth therefore he wasn't
entitled to be blessed. 

see Orach Chaim

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Can you answer this kushya?

The Mishna Verura ( 581 sk 4) writes:

 “ The Bakoshos of Selichos which are in Aramaic ( Machei Umasei, Moron Di Vishmayo) should  be  said only with a Minyan.”

This Halacha is based on the Shulchan Aruch (O. Ch. #101 : 4 ): A Yochid (individual) should not ask Bakoshos in Aramaic because davening without a Minyan needs the intervention of the Malochim.

 The Malochim ignore Tefilos said in Aramaic. For the same 
reason Yekum Purkon is said only with a Minyan.

How  can  we sing at home (no Minyan) the last two stanzas in Koh Ribon Olam?(Aramaic)

In the last two stanzas we ask  Hashem to redeem his nation from Galus, and to return to the Bais Hamikdosh. (Bakoshos)

I have no answer.

If you have an answer please leave a comment in the comment section below or e-mail 

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