Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Parshas Vayakhel-Can People Make Mistakes?????

Mori V'Rabi Hagaon Reb Shlomo Miller Shlita told us:

 "The Velt has two misconseptions on Gedolim

1) A Godol can't make mistakes.

2) If they make a mistake they are not a Godol anymore.

Both statements are untrue." 

In this week’s  Parsha  (Vayakhel) one of the Gedolei   Hameforshim, made a mistake with the translation of the Vav of  Veosoh Betzalel. (Shmos 36 – 1)

The arrangement of the Tenach into Kapitlach (chapters)

was done by the Christian church in the 12th century .

There is no uniform system, where a new chapter begins or ends.

At the end of chapter Shmos 35 it says how Moshe spoke to

the Bnei Yisroel about Betzalel’s  Chachma that Hashem gave him, to do the Meleches Hamishkan.

A new chapter begins at Shmos 36 – 1 “ V’osoh Betzalel – Kol Meleches Avodas Hakodesh”. 

Because a new chapter begins here, one of the Gedolei  Hameforshim, mistakenly translated And  Betzalel made (past tense) – (vav hachibur)

The Targum Onkeles  was also changed  from V’yabeid

(He shall do) to Vavad (He did). The Ibn Ezrah (36 -1) and Rashi in Ms.Makos 12a both say , V’osoh is a command
( future)  And Betzalel shall make etc.  V’osoh is a continuation from the previous chapter.(mehapech + chibur)

In the name of the M’hril Diskin it is said “When you are

Ma’avir Sidrah you should say in the Targum V’yabeid and not the way it is printed in the Chumashim* “ Vavad” otherwise you won’t be  yotzei Shnayim Mikrah.

*The new Oz Vehodor Chumashim corrected the
Targum to V'Yabeid.

1 comment:

  1. All manuscripts of Unkelos read ועבד [past tense]. Heidenheim also wrote that. His edition of Unkelos is known to be authoritative. The "Mesores Hatargum" explicitly says the same! The Ohr HaChaim translates the pasuk to be understood in the past tense.
    Therefore, I would say there is a machlokes as to the proper understanding of this word [as there are with many other words].
    I have seen two different readings in the Targum Yonoson.
    In the sefer of the Maharil diskin on Chumash it does not say that one is not yotzei.
    Oz v'Hadar has a habit of changing the accepted texts. They don't sway me in the slightest.


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