Friday, September 6, 2024

It's dangerous


Parshas Hashavua

לא תשחית את עצה- כי ממנו תאכל
ואתו לא תכרת  
דברים כ: י"ט

The ט"ז (Y.D.116:6) writes,
שאסרו חז"ל מפני הסכנה שלא לקוץ"
אילן העושה פירות"
"Chazal forbade because of סכנה
 to cut down fruit trees" 

Isn't it the Torah who forbade 
cutting down fruit trees?

Perhaps, if we change just one letter the  סמך to a מם and instead
שאסרוחז"ל מפני הסכנה" we change it to שאמרוחז"ל שלא לקוץ אילן
מפני הסכנה", would solve the קושיא  on the ט"ז.

It is the Torah that forbade us from cutting off the fruit tree.
It is Chazal who said* that it is a
סכנה* to cut off the fruit tree.

*As far as I know, this is the only Mitzvah in the Torah
where Chazal teaches us that it is dangerous to be
עובר the עבירה

** Most Poskim including the
ט"ז allow cutting off the tree
when the benefit outweighs the value of the tree. They are not
concerned in such cases for
R.Y. Hachasid writes even in such cases one should not cut
off the tree because of





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