Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Super Hot! Lowest Ever! Get Ovente Portable 5 Speed Mixing Electric Hand Mixer with Stainless Steel Whisk Beater Attachments & Snap Storage Case


As of 7/13/22 there is a lightning deal on Ovente Portable 5 Speed Mixing Electric Hand Mixer with Stainless Steel Whisk Beater Attachments & Snap Storage Case, Compact Lightweight 150 Watt Powerful Blender for Baking & Cooking, White HM151W. Price usually runs at $20.00 and is now selling for 

JUST $9.80!!!!

Note: The price is accurate as of the time of posting, but Amazon’s prices are always changing, so make sure to check the price shown on Amazon when you are checking out, as that will be the price you are charged!


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Cooking chicken soup, Shabbos morning

Parshas Hashava ויקהל                                                                                                               ...