The Mishna Verura ( 581 sk 4) writes “ The Bakoshos of Selichos
which are in Aramaic
( Machei Umasei, Moron Di Vishmayo) should be said,
only with a Minyan.”
This Halacha is based on the Shulchan Aruch (O. Ch. #101 : 4 ) A
Yochid (individual) should
not ask Bakoshos in Aramaic because davening without a Minyan
needs the intervention
of the Malochim. The Malochim ignore Tefilos said in Aramaic. For
same reason Yekum Purkon
is said only with a Minyan.
I am wondering, how can
we sing at home (no Minyan) the last two stanzas in Koh
Ribon Olam. (Aramaic)
In the last two stanzas we ask
Hashem to redeem his nation from Galus, and to return to the
Bais Hamikdosh. (Bakoshos)
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