Ner Or Neros Answered

Mori V’rabi Harav Hagaon R. Shlomo Miller shlita answered:
 The difference between a Brocho that starts with Al Tevilas and a Bracha that starts with
Lehadlik . AL is on the Cheftza (object) Le is on the Gavra (person)
A Bracha made on the Cheftza ,(Al) we count the Chafeitzim and if there are two or more we use the plural term.
A Bracha made on the Gavra(Le) (who is one) we

always use the single term.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe as the ikkar din is one ner and one per person or 1-8 is mehadrin Chazal were kovea the beracha in singular.


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