Friday, January 10, 2025

segulo for long life

 The מחזור ויטרי writes, Tasting the Shabbos food on Friday,

is a סגולה for אריכת ימים ושנים

There is a מחלוקת between the מחבר (Bais Yosef)
and the רמ"א.
The B.Y. allows tasting food on a תענית if it is not swallowed.
The רמ"א forbids tasting food on a תענית even if not swallowed.

The משנה ברורה writes if one cooks for a סעודת מצוה
then we may rely on the B.Y. and one may taste the
food on a תענית.

הלכה ולא למעשה  (ask your Rav)
When עשרה בטבת falls on a Friday (this year) then
we have a מצוה of (טועמיה (מג"א plus the food is being
cooked for סעודת שבת.

It's most likely. that the מ"ב would surely agree, that
one may be lenient like the מחבר and taste the food
without swallowing .

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