Thursday, October 10, 2024



Rashi quotes from the תשובת הגאונים.

"On Erev Rosh Hashana they swung the new bean
plant 7 times around the head of the child and 
said זה חליפתי etc.
Afterward, the plant gets thrown into the river".

The מגן אברהם (O. Ch 605) writes that this Rashi
 (תשובת הגאונים) is the original מקור (source)
for כפרות as we know it today.

The original Minhag of כפרות was solely for the protection
of the children that they shouldn't die. 

A person bringing a קרבן doesn't need to match
his or her gender  to the gender of the קרבן

Why is it important when doing כפרות to have
the gender of the chicken be the same as the
gender of the person?
ie: a rooster (male) for a male & a hen (female) for a female

The טור writes, that one of the reasons for using chickens is because it is called גבר the same word as גבר a man.
The גבר (rooster) will replace the גבר (man) and die
instead of the man.

The יעב"ץ writes, he doesn't understand why the use
of female chickens for females. Hens (female chickens) are not called גברת.

Perhaps the original Minhag was only for males to insist of having a rooster, being it has an additional advantage of both being called גבר.

It didn't make a difference for women, and both genders were acceptable. At a later stage, women mistakenly thought that being males insisted on roosters they too should insist on hens.

If the above סברא (the only time gender matters is for a man to be using a rooster) is true we can understand why those who do כפרות with fish don't care about the gender of the fish.
Both genders of fish are not called גבר therefore it
doesn't matter.



We find in the גמרא the concept of confusing the Satan
(כדי לערבב השטן) We also find a similar case of שינוי השם
changing the name of a חולה. (sick person)

The original Minhag of כפרות was also the same idea. It
was done for the protection of the children if there 
was ח"ו a גזירה for the זרע (child)  to die we confuse the 
שטן with a different זרע (seed) the bean plant which
gets thrown in the river.

At a later stage when the Minhag כפרות started for adults,
they wouldn't use the flower pot with bean זרע.
They used a גבר (chicken) instead to confuse the שטן
so not the גבר the man will die but the גבר the chicken.

The יעב"ץ writes, he doesn't understand why the use
of female chickens for females. Hens (female chickens)
are not called גברת.


שיחת מלאכי השרת
רש"י - לא ידענא מאי היא

רש"י writes that he doesn't what  שיחת מלאכי השרת is

The רשב"ם ב"ב קל"ד  writes "להשביעם" - understanding the
language of the מלאכים to force a שבועה on them.

Kabbalists had a  practice of forcing an oath on the מלאכים

משביעין את המלאכים ). The Kabbalist claimed that

Hashem permits the מלאכים  to do as they
are commanded (by humans) even if the recipients are not
worthy and have no זכויות 
for the favor. 

There used to be a Minhag for חזנים to force an oath
on the מלאכים.

The חזנים were concerned, that an עין הרע would cause
them to lose 
their voice during Davening. (ימים נוראים) 


The חזנים had a Nusach they said, before saying המלך.

בשם שמעי' -------(שמות של מלאכים)---- אני פלוני בן פלוני
משביע אני עליכם שתסייעו לי שאתפלל היום בקול רם
ונעים וערב ואל יחר גרוני ואל ילאה רוחי וכוחי

(In the name of the מלאכים --- I Ploni the son of Ploni,
place a שבועה on you (מלאכים) that you will help me to
Daven today with a voice that is loud, pleasant, and sweet,
and my throat shouldn’t anger (cough) 
and my spirit
and strength shouldn’t tire.)  

The לבוש (O.Ch.584) was against this השבעה (oath).
He claims it is wrong to believe that one can force  
Hashem to accept his Tefillos.
The acceptance of Tefillos is dependent on the כוונת הלב,
and not by force.

The לבוש was also critical of the חזנים for saying the
Nusach right before המלך.  After ברוך שאמר is considered
a הפסק. 

The לבוש suggested eliminating this Nusach.  and if
not possible, then it should be said before ברוך שאמר.

Perhaps, the מחלוקת between the לבוש & מקובלים
goes back to רש"י & רשב"ם




Of all the Tefilos & Piyutim in the entire Machzor, the most controversial and unclear Nusach is the Kol Nidrei.

(שיטה מקובצת (נדרים כ"ג writes that the origin of the
Kol Nidrei goes back to the אנשי כנסת הגדולה.

The טור quotes מחלוקת גאונים וראשונים on what exactly
are we trying to accomplish with the Kol Nidrei. Are we
trying to abolish the past Nedarim, if so how does it
do so? Or is it for the future and then we have a totally
corrupt Nusach?
Therefore both רב האי גאון & רב נטרונאי גאון hold not
to say the Kol Nidrei.

The Levush* writes that there is another problem with
the Nusach. It starts out with a (--לשון יחיד (דאינדרנא
ie: I made a Neder and switches to (--לשון רבים (נדרנא
ie: Our Nedarim. (Halachically problematic)

The Levush writes he attempted to have the Chazan
change & correct the words but wasn't successful. 
The Chazanim claimed their tune wouldn't fit the (new)
(The Chazanim believe the words need to fit the tune
and not the tune fits the words.)

The Levush suggests that individuals should say his
corrected version quietly and not rely on the Chazan's
(Machzor's) Nusach which has no meaning and is like
a bird's chirping. 

For some reason, we don't follow the Levush and stick
to the Nusach in the Machzor even with all its faults.

*The Bach tries to defend the לשון רבים
Did you know? (211)

*According to Mori V'Rabi Harav Hagaon R. Shlomo Miller Shlita  

The Minhag to stand when the Aron Kodesh is open is only applicable to men.
There is no need for women in Ezra’s Nashim to stand while the Aron Kodesh is open.

*Heard from  הרה"ג ר' יהודה גשטטנר שליט"א

Did you know? (212)


Men should remove their Rolex & their wedding band


R. Akiva Eiger in the הגהות quotes from the Sefer תיבת גומא   
(פרי מגדים) 
The Minhag of not wearing gold jewelry on Yom Kippur is only
applicable to men.
Women didn't sin with the gold, therefore, they may wear gold.

The תיבת גומא concludes "So as not to differentiate, Women
should also avoid wearing gold".

Did you know? (80)

According to the Shulchan Aruch Harav, it would seem, when saying

בשכמל"ו (Baruch Sheim Kevod-)on Yom Kippur, it is commendable

to be said while standing. We imitate the Malochim by saying it

loud and by standing. (in most shuls it's not done)


Shulchan Aruch (O. Ch. 63: 2 )   Someone, who is sitting

and is מחמיר to stand up for קריאת שמע,

is called an “עברין” (sinner)

Mishna V’rurah s.k. 8   "The אליה רבא in the name

of the מהרש"ל, “On Yom Kippur everyone* agrees,
you are allowed to stand up for קריאת שמע.
( to imitate the מלאכים)”


*The פרי מגדים disagrees


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