Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Unique & unusual


 מאת ידידי הגאון ר' יוסף יהודה וועבר שליט"א 



1. It is the rarest of the 14 year types, it occurs on average once every 30.19 years. At times there are 70 years in which this year type does not occur. Last time it occurred was 31 years ago, the next time will
be in 20 years.

2. It is the only regular year type, in which ויקהל and פקודי are separate.

3. It is the only year type that שקלים פרשת is on תרומה פרשת.

4. It is the only year type that פרה פרשת is on ויקהל פרשת.

5. It is the only year type that has to be preceded by a חסרה year.

6. It is the only year type that is not preceded or followed by a שלמה year.

7. The first day of Chanukah is on Thursday, which is the rarest day for the first day of Chanukah, it occurs on average once every 10.03 years.

8. The Maftir of Shabbos Chanukah is the rarest Maftir, it occurs on average once every 10.03 years.

9. The 6th Aliyah of תרומה פרשת) The 6th and 7th Aliyah combined) is the rarest Aliyah, it occurs on average
once every 30.19 years.

10. Teveth 10 is on Friday for the second year in a row. This occurs on average once every 51.75 years. Last
time that it occurred was 51 years ago, the next time will be in 47 years.

11. In the 4 years from 5785 to 5788 there are 3 Shleimoh years. Between 4119 and 6000, it will have
occurred a total of only 17 times, that in 4 years there are 3 Shleimoh years.

12. In the 5 years from 5785 to 5789 there are no Chaseiroh years. Between 4119 and 6000, it will have occurred a total of only 17 times, that in 5 years there are no Chaseiroh years

13. The start date for ומטר טל ותן in Chutz L’Oretz is Kislev 4. The last time that it was as early as Kislev 4 was in 5766, the next time will be in 5804.

14. The Haftorah for Rosh Chodesh will only be said once, that is on Shabbos Parshas Noach. The next time that it will be said is after 18 months, on Shabbos Parshas Tazria Umezorah.

15. The Haftorah for Mochor Chodesh will only be said once, that is on Shabbos Parshas Toldos. The next time that it will be said is after 18 months, on Shabbos Parshas Bamidbor

16. The second Monday of Behab after Pesach falls on Pesach Sheni.

17. Shushan Purim will be on Shabbos. Erev Pesach will be on Shabbos. The next time that this will occur will
be in 20 years.

18. The Kiddush of the 1st day of Pesach and the Kiddush of the 7th day of Pesach are quite rare in Eretz Yisroel. The next time that Yaknehooz will occur on Pesach (In Eretz Yisroel it can only occur on the 1st day of Pesach, not like in Chutz L'Oretz where it can occur also on the 2nd day of Pesach) will be in 20 years time.

The next time the kiddush will occur on Pesach with V'Yechulu without shecheyonu (In Eretz Yisroel it can only occur on the 7th day of Pesach, not like in Chutz L'Oretz where it can occur also on the 8th day of Pesach) will be in 20 years time.

19. The next time that Yaknehooz without shecheyonu will occur on (the 8th day of) Pesach in Chutz L'Oretz will be in 20 years time.

20. Teveth 1 to Teveth 29 is also January 1 to January 29. Adar 1 to Adar 29 is also March 1 to March 29. The last time that this occurred was 19 years ago, the next time will be in 30 years time.

21. For the year to have a kevius of א''הש, the molad of Tishrei has to be between ד''הטר,) Thursday 3am, 204 Chalokim) and Chatzos. Molad Tishrei of 5785 will be at Thursday 3am and 391 Chalokim, just 187 chalokim above the minimum. If the Molad would have been 10 minutes and 8 Chalokim earlier, the kevius would have been ז''הכ. The Molad for 5785 is the earliest Molad for א''הש for the period between 4119 and 6000. It is also interesting to note that the Molad of Tishrei 5785 is exactly 2 days and 23 Chalokim later (in the week) than Molad Tishrei of 5789, which is a Gutred year and the earliest Molad for Gutred between 4119 and 6000.


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