Sunday, May 19, 2024

Carlebach vs Modzitz אליהו הנביא




Carlebach vs Modzitz אליהו הנביא

The לקט יושר writes, his Rebbe the
תרומת הדשן wouldn't sing
the Piyut "אליהו הנביא" on Motzei Shabbos
in the ספירה except if Lag Baomer  falls on 
Motzei Shabbos.

הרה"ג ר' שלמה זלמן אויערבך זצ"ל said 
" The Terumas Hadeshen's  Niggun for 
"אליהו הנביא"  must have been
a Lebediker Niggun (Carlebach) that might 
lead to dancing.

Had it  been a slow Niggun (Modzitz) 
then it would not have been a problem to 
sing during the ספירה being it wouldn't lead
to dancing."


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