נשמתה הטהורה של אמי מורתי
געלא בת ר' אברהם אשי ע"ה
השנה ד' אדר א
אמרה לי אם
''Der tag hat nicht genug stunden
was man
braucht zu loben,danken
und Davenen
zum Ribono Shel Olam"
from German)
The day doesn't have enough hours for the
amount needed
to praise, thank, and Daven
to the Ribono
Shel Olam
Hashavua תרומה
וצפית אתו זהב טהור---- ועשית עליו
זר זהב סביב
The ר' בחיי, ( Parshas
Terumah) writes We don’t find
in the נדבת המשכן any
silk because for building
the משכן we may
not use materials that come
from non-kosher animals. (silkworms are non-kosher)
The dye of תולעת שני (red wool) does not come from
a worm.
It comes from a red seed that has a worm in it.
(Rambam Parah Adumah 3:2 – Rashi Yeshayahu1:18)
The ספר חסידים ס' ער"ה writes,that
for 'חפצי ה (holy
objects) one is obligated to store them in elegant
containers etc.
For this reason, they made the mantles of ספרי תורה
with silk. (Velvet wasn't common then)
The שו"ת חתם סופר או"ח ל"ט is
struggling to find a היתר
for using silk mantles on the פרוכת- ספרי
תורה etc.
Perhaps, the
reason why many Rebbes use
for their
Tallis/Tefillin bag, cow/deer leather with
the hair still
attached, is to show that it's made from
a kosher
animal (not pig- alligator skin, etc.) .אמבצי
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