Monday, August 14, 2023

Frum Yidden trust in Hashem


Parshas Hashavua

תמים תהיה עם ה' אלהיך דברים יח:יג

Only for those who don't trust in Hashem

The Sefer שלחן העזר quotes the ספר המטעמים
"חתן & כלה before walking down to
the חופה untie all the knots they are wearing. 

The reason for doing so is to prevent from
כשפים (witchcraft) which might put a spell on
the couple and prevent them from having relations."
Based on a תרגום המיוחס ליונתן)

The above is not a Minhag but a Segula people
adopted to prevent witchcraft from harming them.

The יראים & תמימים (who fear & trust Hashem) rely
on  תמים תהי' עם ה' אלוקך & שומר מצוה לא ידע דבר רע
(Don't bother unknotting)"


*Probably, the first written source of this Minhag/Segulah



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