Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Same Yahrzeit




In the פיוט of the first day Shachris Rosh Hashana
(אבן חוג) it says "סלוף דינה ביהוסף להנחות"

The Chasam Sofer quotes from the ספר טיב גטין
who the Ch. Sofer  quotes from a מקובל,
who said, that when יוסף was in לאה's stomach his
name was יהוסף and when דינה was in רחל's stomach
her name was דין.
After the mothers were switched, יהוסף lost the ה
and became יוסף and דין received that ה and
became דינה ----

Actually, the טיב גטין doesn't quote this from an
unknown מקובל but quotes this from his Mechuten
הרב לוי יצחק מברדיטשוב זצ"ל.

In all probability, the Chasam Sofer never heard
of the קדושת לוי and therefore refers to him as 
an unknown מקובל אחד.

This Shtikel תורה is very unique.
All three names mentioned

(R. Levi Yitzchok Barditchev -
R.Efraim Zalman Margolis- טיב גטין
& The Chasam Sofer) 

were all Niftar on כ"ה תשרי


  1. R Zvi Hersh Charif shares the same yurtzeit, NOT R EZ Margolis.
    BTW The Chasam Sofers third wife was the widow of R ZH Charif, the other טיב גיטין.

  2. Thanks you are correct It was RZH Charif טעות לעולם חוזר


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