Tuesday, November 12, 2024



 Parshas Hashavua

The רבינו בחיי writes, (בראשית 21:14) 


"אברהם אבינו saw with his נבואה

that his children the Bnei Yisrael will 

suffer in the future from ישמעאל.


No other nation will hate the Bnei Yisrael 

more than ישמעאל. He therefore

treated his son as an enemy and supplied 

him with bread & water, the way it says

in Mishlei (25) אם רעב שונאך האכילהו לחם

ואם צמא השקהו מים"


Even though the Germans ימ"ש killed six million

Yidden, however as much as they hated

us, the ישמעאלים hate us even more.


The Nazis weren't מוסר נפש in killing

Yidden whereas ישמעאל will even commit suicide
to Ch"v  kill Yidden 




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