Wednesday, November 9, 2022





Parshas Hashavua וירא
ואדני זקן - אני זקנתי

R.Chaim Kanievski ZT"L said in the name of his father 
the Steipler ZT"L.,
"If someone was trying to borrow money
from you and you don't trust him you may tell him you 
don't have any money. It is not considered a lie because
what you meant is you have no money to lend him". 

The גמרא
יבמות ס"ה ע"ב says " One may change (untrue words)
for the sake of peace. Hashem quoted שרה as saying
ואני זקנתי when she actually said ואדני זקן for this reason. 

The ספר חסידים תכ"ו writes the היתר לשנות is only for the past
(claiming it happened or didn't happen) However for the
present or the future one may not lie. The ספר חסידים gives
an example    
"If someone is trying to borrow money from you and you don't
trust him you may NOT tell him you don't have any money. It is
 a lie about the present (not having money NOW).

We see clearly from the ספר חסידים, not like R.Chaim & the
Steipler. We see that claiming you have no money even if
you meant you have no money to lend is considered a lie.

The היתר of מפני השלום won't apply because it's not about
the past.
ומצוה ליישב




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