Tuesday, October 25, 2022

daf yomi



1) They should not go up (to E. Yisroel) together by force (like a wall)
2) They should not rebel against the Goyim
3) The Goyim should not oppress the Yidden, harshly.

The ויואל משה claims that the שלש שבועןת is applicable today
and that is one of the main reasons why he opposed so
strongly Zionism.

There are many Gedolim & Poskim who although oppose
Zionism argue against the Rebbe and hold that the establishment
of the Zionist State is not in violation of the ג' שבועות.

Some of the reasons* why the ג' שבועות are not applicable:

1) The רי"ף ,רא"ש ,רמב"ם, טור,שו"ע  and scores of others,
non of them mention the ג' שבועות as a הלכה למעשה

ר' אריה ליב הכהן זצ"ל writes that his father the חפץ חיים
(anti Zionist) never ever mentioned בעל פה או בכתב 
the ג' שבועות. In all likelihood because the פוסק אחרון
held it not to be הלכה למעשה.

2) We can't establish a הלכה from a  מדרש אגדה.
The רמב"ם -
איגרת תימן refers to the ג' שבועות.
as a משל

3) The אבני נזר asks  Where and when did the Bnei Yisrael
ever accept the שלש שבועות?

The אבני נזר answers it never happened physically with the
Bnei Yisrael 
but with their נשמה and there is no עונש
for transgressing the שלש שבועות.

4) ר' חיים ויטל writes that the ג' שבועות.were only for the first
thousand years.

5) The הפלא"ה claims that the ג' שבועות. is only applicable
when coming from בבל and not from other countries.

6) Since the גויים didn't keep their part of the שבועה therefore
we are not bound to our part.

Now you will understand why the Agudas Yisroel representative 

(הרב איטשע מאיר לוין (חתן האמרי אמת זצ"ל was one of
the signatories on the מגילת העצמאות  of Medinas Yisrael
and the Gedolim weren't concerned with the ג' שבועות.

The .ויואל משה- מאמר ג' שבועות deals with some of  these issues and defends
his position.  



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