Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Brisker Rav's Riddle For Parshas Tezave



  Parshas Hashavua תצוה


The Brisker Rav's Riddle
 In the תורה, we find there were only two
 items in the חצר המשכן, the מזבח & the כיור.

 There was a third item* in the חצר which
 is not mentioned anywhere.



It says in this week's Parsha,
שמות כ"ט : ד
ואת אהרן ואת בניו תקריב אל פתח אהל מועד ורחצת אתם במים

The Brisker Rav Zt"l said, being they had to טובל at
the פתח אהל מועד, there must have been a Mikvah
close to the פתח אהל מועד ( In the חצר)




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