Monday, November 8, 2021

How To Fight The Chasidim


R Yitzchok Volozhiner Zt"l advised his Talmidim who were
entering the Rabbinate, how to deal with the new movements
that have sprung up in Judaism. (Chasidim)

He advised  them with the advice he heard from his father.
(R. Chaim Volozhiner zt"l)

R. Chaim said that it is forbidden to fight them publicly. 
All that open warfare does, is strengthens the opponents.

R. Chaim also warned  those who harass excessively 
Chasidim won't survive.

R. Yitzchok proved his father's point from the single frog
in מצרים the more they kept hitting it, the more the frogs
kept multiplying.



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