Thursday, October 28, 2021

R. Binyamin (from) Todelo


R. Binyamin (from) Todelo traveled to Eretz Yisroel in the year 1170.

In his travel diary on מערת המכפלה, he writes, “The Goyim

built six tombs and claim each one is for one of the אבות & אמהות.

They fool the ignorant Goyim who pay money, to approach

the tombs.

For Yidden who come there, and pay them money, they open

a metal gate and allow them to go down a staircase which leads

to another staircase and then to a third staircase. Down there is

the cave where the אבות are actually buried. There are six stone

Matzeivos engraved with the names of Avraham, Sarah, Yitzchok,

Rivka, Yakov, Leah. (no Matzeivah for Adam& Chava) There are

also many barrels filled with bones. These bones are from Yidden

who bring their dead and place them there so they will rest 

next to the אבות.

    מסעות רבי בנימין - בנימין בן יונה, מטודלה






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