Friday, September 10, 2021

Is it beneficial?


פרשת השבוע וילך

טף למה באין, כדי ליתן שכר למביאיהן חגיגה ג' ע"א


The Gemoro asks why were the infants brought to the 
mitzvah of הקהל. The Gemoro answers, to reward 
the ones who brought them. (the parents)

From this Gemoro it seems, there is no benefit for infants,
to listen and absorb the learning, otherwise, the simple
answer would have been they came to listen so to have 
the Torah absorbed in them.

How do we explain Chazal ( Yerushalmi Yevamos 8b)
The mother of Reb Yehoshua brought him in his crib 
(infant) into the Bais Haknesess so his ears will be
attached to Torah?
Mori V’rabi Harav Hagaon R. Shlomo Miller Shlita Said :

 The Gemoro originally held, there actually is
no benefit for a child who  doesn’t understand to
listen. The Torah doesn’t get absorbed
just by listening to it if you don’t understand it.

The Gemoro answers, Hashem rewards parents
who bring their children to the Bais Hamidrash,
to absorb Torah. The reward is that Torah does
get absorbed in the children and they become
Talmidei Chachamim. This is the  שכר למביאיהן

Since it is a reward to the parents, this Segulah
works only when the child was brought to the
Bais Hamidrash to listen and absorb Torah,
therefore, the parents are rewarded.

However, If the child was brought to Shul  just
so the mother can have a break etc, and not for
the child to absorb Torah  then even if the child
will be listening,  the child won't benefit from it
since there is no reason to reward the parent.


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