Sunday, January 10, 2021

קדוש קדוש קדוש קדוש


Pesachim 50a

ושמעתי הרוגי מלכות אין אדם יכול לעמוד במחיצתן - אלא הרוגי לוד

                  The four levels of קדושים 

1) A Yid who was killed by a Goy even if it was not an
antisemitic act (robbery), is a קדוש. See Shu"t
Chasam Sofer* (Y.D. 333) based on Sanhedrin 47a
וכיון דאיקטול קרי להו עבדיך - & Rashi (Tehillim 79:2)
בשר חסידיך - משקבלו פורענותם הרי הם חסידים A Yid whose
life was cut short by a Goy acquires his כפרה

2) A Yid who was killed by an anti-Semite because he
is Jewish. (Nazis YMS.) See Shu"t Mahril 99, who refers
to them as קדושי עליון and says on them
"אין כל בריה יכולה לעמוד במחיצתן

3a) A Yid who was forced by a Goy to be עובר one of the
ג' עבירות (or any Mitzvah if there is a Gezeira to be עובר)
and was killed for refusing to be עובר, is a קדוש

3b) If this was done in front of 10 Yidden He is a
מקדש שם שמים ברבים (Rambam יסודי התורה פרק ה.) )

A Yid & perhaps even a Zionist** non-frum
soldier who sacrificed his life to save other Yidden.
He is the ultimate קדוש on whom Chazal 
say אין אדם יכול לעמוד במחיצתן.

*The Chasam Sofer had a son who was killed by a Goy
**Papus & Lulinus הרוגי לוד
 Some newer Artscroll Siddurim/Machzorim has
a Yizkor prayer for חיילי צה"ל

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