Sunday, November 22, 2020

Its Not True


One of the חכמי ישראל wrote in one of his books,
"Many if not most of the סיפורי חסידים are grossly
exaggerated and some are not even true.

It doesn't really matter if it is not true as long
as there is a moral to the story.
If the story teaches you a lesson it's not important
for the story to be true. The story is only a משל to
make the point. A משל need not be true."

Last week I wrote,

"As far as I know, the only time* that the Torah ever
points out a husband loving his wife is by Yitzchok
. ותהי לו לאשה ויאהבה
בראשית כ"ד:ס"ז.

Some of the עולם pointed out to me of the פסוק in
בראשית כ"ט:ל  it says ויאהב גם את רחל (after marriage)
Therefore, what I wrote "it's the only time" is not true but
the moral of the story is.

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