Friday, November 20, 2020

He Loved Her


As far as I know, the only time* that the Torah ever points out a husband loving his wife is by Yitzchok. ותהי לו לאשה ויאהבה בראשית כ"ד:ס"ז.  

We find in this week's Parsha that Yitzchok was clearly mistaken about his son עשיו yet for some reason Rivka wouldn't tell Yitzchok.

Perhaps the message the Torah is teaching us is that not always is there a need to be critical or point out your spouse's mistakes. There are times when he is definitely in the wrong yet, at certain times by keeping quiet about it will create a ויאהבה.

* ויאהב יעקב את רחל was before she became his wife.

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