Now You Know The Rest Of The Story.......... The Torah Matzav
לז"נ הרב שלמה קרליבך זצ"ל נתבקש לישיבה של מעלה ששה עשר לירח רם חשון The Rambam הלכות תשובה פ"ג ה"א writes that a) Every person has זכויות & עונות. (even צדיקים) b) If one has more זכויות than עונות he is a צדיק. It seems* from the Rambam that, a) a צדיק's son doesn't automatically become a צדיק with the demise of his father, unless he too has more זכויות than עונות. b) The more זכויות a person has the more עבירות he is entitled to have and yet will still be considered a צדיק if his זכויות are more than his עונות. R. Shlomo Carlebach Zt"l probably had many more זכויות, than most of his holy brethren. יהא זכרו ברוך *If you think differently Pshat in Rambam, please let me know.
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