Friday, October 30, 2020

After the plague was over


Chasam Sofer's דרשה after the epidemic was over

The Chasam Sofer writes, His Yeshivah kept going for
40 years without any interruption until he became sick.
When he finally recovered from his illness, the cholera
epidemic set in and caused his Talmidim to be chased
away and scattered all over. They couldn't find a place
to rest. There was a total lockdown. All the roads were
closed and no one could come or go.  

It seems, that in the times of the Chasam Sofer,
Yidden were still in גלות.





-   כתב יד קדשו של החתם סופר-  שהמלכיות סוגרים המדינה ואיןיוצא ואין בא


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