Friday, July 31, 2020

Watch Yourself

Parshas Hashavua

                ונשמרתם מאד לנפשתיכם
דברים ד:ט"ו    

This פסוק has been quoted the past few months
by countless Rabonim, Poskim, Roshei Yeshivos,
Doctors, Hatzoloh members, etc.

Many will be surprised that this פסוק has nothing
to do with not to endanger one's life.

נפשתיכם refers to the נשמה and not the body.
The פסוק is commanding us to be extra
careful not to carve forms of animals etc. ending
up bowing to them and being עובד עבודה זרה.
It has nothing to do with endangering human lives.

The only one who referenced this  פסוק to 
endangering human lives was a non-Jewish שר (minister)  


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