Monday, April 27, 2020

WHEN SAYING ATA YETZARTA Don't Daven ח"ו for the destruction of Yerushalayim.

Don't Daven ח"ו for the destruction of Yerushalayim.

According to בעלי דקדוק  see (מנחת שי (תהלים פו:ב, 

In the Tefillah of אתה יצרת*  at  " ולפי שחטאנו -- חרבה עירנו "
You should make sure to pronounce the Reish of
Chorevo with a שוא נע (Chorevo). 

By pronouncing the Reish with a  שוא נח (silent)
(Chorvo) the translation changes to "Because we sinned --
you should (ח"ו ) destroy our city". (imperative)

The actual translation is, "Because we sinned our city was
destroyed" (past tense).

ובנה ירושלים עיר הקדש במהרה בימינו

* Musaf Shabbos Rosh Chodesh 

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