דף השבוע
ברכות ל"א ע"א
אל יפטר אדם
מחבירו אלא מתוך דבר הלכה שמתוך כך זכרהו
Reb Pinchas Hirshprung |
Dr. T. Juda
Shlita told me that he once asked his father in law
(R. P. Hirschprung zt"l) the following question:
The Gemoro says
If one wants to take leave from his friend,
he should do so by saying a Dvar Halacha, by doing so,
he will remember him.
Dr. Juda asked, who
is the one that is supposed to say the
Dvar Halacha and who is the one who remembers?.
Is it the one that stays behind or the one who leaves?
R. Hirschprung
answered, that probably the
one who is
leaving says the Dvar Halacha and the one who stays
behind, remembers.
Dr. Juda asked
him why not the other way round,
the opposite?
R. Hirschprung responded:
"yes it could be the opposite".
(The one who stays on says the Dvar Halacha etc.)
Dr. Juda asked again,
perhaps both have to say the Dvar Halacha
& both of them remember each other?
R. Pinchas Hirschprung again, responded,
"yes, it could be".
Dr. Judah said
" The
Shver surely knows of a Chazal which of
three is the correct way."
Rabbi Hirschprung
closed his eyes and starts scanning
through Shas in his head. Within a minute or so
R. Hirschprung blurts out
Can you please explain which way is being proven by the Gemara, and how it's proven? Thank you