Monday, January 27, 2020

A Cold Winter


        זה אגיד לכם נצח סוף שבט עת קר
(This I say to you, forever the end of Shvat is a cold time).

Some claim this phrase is from the רמ"א. The uniqueness of
the phrase is that it has all the 22 alphabets of the Alef Bais
without repeating a single alphabet.


The אליה רבה תרפ"ה quotes from ר' אייזיק דרשן, If Rosh Chodesh
שבט falls on a Wednesday (Friday 3d) then it will
be a cold winter & lots of snow. The siman for it is

יום ו' ג' שבט,שלג גדול יהיה וקר 


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