THE BIG BANG Poskim have never considered banging on the Bimah without any announcement to remind the Mispallelim not to forget טל ומטר- יעלה ויבא etc. as an option. (The way done in most Shuls today) WHY NOT? The Mishna (Rosh Hashana 2:7) says, According to the תנא קמא, Bais Din announced "מקודש" thereby confirming that day as Rosh Chodesh regardless if it was on the first day or the second day. Chazal insisted on the הכרזה (announcement) even when Rosh Chodesh is on the second day which happens automatically. (if the new moon wasn't seen on the first day) We still must declare מקודש to confirm the day as Rosh Chodesh. We replicate the הכרזה of Rosh Chodesh by announcing the time of the מולד at Rosh Chodesh Bentching. There is a side benefit of knowing the timing of Kiddush Levana. When Bentching גשם/טל we also make a הכרזה which declares officially the new season for the Nusach in Shmoneh Esrai. The same* תקנה applies to make a הכרזה announcing the start of saying טל ומטר / ברכה and יעלה ויבא. This also reminds us to say it but the reason we announce it is for the sake of doing a הכרזה. Banging on the Bimah without announcing anything will not suffice because we need a הכרזה. Chazal never instituted reminders for the Shmoneh Esrai. Over the years this has been forgotten and they dropped the (עיקר (הכרזה and kept the טפל (reminder) In German Ashkenaz Shuls where they have been keeping most of their Minhagim for the past 1200/1500 years and follow the Mahril who writes to announce the first night of R. Ch. יעלה ויבא and on the second night to announce "Rosh Chodesh" There are no reminders or announcements for Shachris & Mincha because הכרזה is only for the first Tefillah. אמבצי *There are no Piyutim like by Geshem/Tal Bentching since it's done in the weekday and in the evening |
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Big Bang -Part 2
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