Thursday, December 19, 2019


                  Doughnuts or Pizza?

In Shulchan Aruch, there is no mention to eat on Chanukah, food fried in oil. (Latkes & doughnuts etc.)

In Shulchan Aruch (Rema) it does say to eat cheese on Chanukah.

Probably, the first & only source for Doughnuts on Chanukah is from R. Y.M. Toledano z"l who was a Rov in Tel Aviv & also the minister of religion in Ben Gurion's government.

In his Sefer שריד ופליט, he quotes from a Ksav Yad of R. Maimon (Rambam's father) that was found.

I am not sure if Rabbi Toledano himself was convinced
this manuscript to be authentic.                          

R.Maimon (father of Rambam) lists foods that the Minhag is to be eaten at certain times. One of them is the Minhag of eating סופגנין (honey doughnuts) on Chanukah.
R. D. Savoni (Translator from Arabic to Hebrew) added some more of his own. One of them is not to eat, look at, or even mention "eggs" on Motzai Shabbos

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