Friday, May 31, 2019

Did you ever hear of these Shavous Minhagim

          שבעה שבועות מנהגים 

1) Eating seven-layer *cake.

2) Getting high by eating *cake laced with saffron

3) Throwing down apples from the Shul roof

4) Wearing face masks

5) Eating milk & honey

6) Eating a four-cornered Challah

7a) Young children are brought to Shul early
      in the morning wrapped in a coat.

7b) They are fed honey - honey*cake - an egg.

I will iy"h write next week the Mekoros in the Poskim (sources) for the 7 Minhagim-
*3 types of 
cake (no mention of cheesecake)

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