Thursday, May 30, 2019

יעמד מי שירצה

                           יעמד מי שירצה                           

The Rema (O.CH. 428:6) writes:

 "The Minhag is not to call up  for the  Parshas Tochecha Aliya by name.אלא קורין מי שירצה."

There is a Machlokes between the Mishne Verura in Biur Halacha and the Machtzis Hashekel How the Gabai should call up for the Tochecha.

According to the Machtzis Hashekel he actually calls up,
"Ya'amod Mi Sheyirtze"

The Biur Halacha argues and says that he doesn't like when they come up with new  ideas that doesn't sound right and also there is no such Minhag to do so".

The Biur Halacha holds, the  Rema meant to say to find a person  who is willing to take this Aliya and then you  call
him up by his name. (He agrees it's a Dochek Pshat in the Rema)

The Machtzis Hashekel writes this is not  a solution
because there is a possibility that even after agreeing to takethe Aliya he will back out the last minute. (will panic with fear*)

I have a strong feeling that the Heiliger Chofetz Chaim (and or his son, R. Aryeh) wasn't aware that most of western Europe (Germany, Austria etc. Oberland Hungary & Czechoslovakia) the Minhag was to call up "Ya'amod Mi Sheyirtze". (Like the Machtzis Hashekel)

This Minhag goes back to at least the 17th century (Mekor Chaim Bachrach) and most likely much earlier.

Had the Heiliger Chofetz Chaim been aware of it,
he probably would not have written "וגם אין נוהגין כן - לחדש ענין כזה ".

He might have even changed his mind and agreed with the  Machtzis Hashekel to call up Ya'amod Mi Sheyirtze.

*It is interesting how in the olden days 
most people feared to take this Aliya.

In the Kollel Toronto the Gabai mistakenly
gave Shlishi Tochocho to Reb Moishe Reichmann zt"l.
He graciously accepted.. It was only after this Aliya that
he became a multi Billionaire.



  1. Kollel Toronto started in 1970 Reichmann was a multi millionaire in the 60's when O&Y was founded.

  2. I wrote MULTI BILLIONAIRE with a B . It was the time their investments in Battery Park multiplied tenfold or more.


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