Friday, March 15, 2019

Some Clarity In The Kalir

וישמע הכנעני מלך ערד ישב הנגב *          
     זכור יושב הנגב בלי על כערד כסות ולשון שנה פיוט פ' זכור

Rashi explains that הכנעני was actually עמלק who
was ישב הנגב but disguised himself, by speaking in
the language of  כנען to confuse the Yidden when they
will Daven to Hashem  to save them from the
enemy כנען instead of עמלק

However, since they  wore Amaleiki clothing the Yidden
realized something doesn't make sense and Davend 
without mentioning any name of the enemy.

The Kalir in the Piyut of Shabbos Parshas Zachor writes
זכור יושב הנגב בלי על כערד כסות ולשון שנה
Seems that the Kalir holds that he changed both, his clothing
and language.(כסות ולשון)

The (מהרש"א (ר"ה ג ע"א writes we can say that the
Kalir & Rashi are not arguing. The meaning of כסות ולשון שנה
is that the כסות didn't match the לשון since he wore Amaleiki
clothes and spoke Kanani language. (same like Rashi)

*Bamidbar 21:1 


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